4 ways to share with your children how to face challenges
1. Play Games
Children don’t like being lectured or feeling like they are in a classroom. Teach your child to overcome obstacles by turning it into a game. Something like a board game, word puzzle, or scavenger hunt will teach your child crucial problem solving skills without it feeling like they are learning anything.
As you are playing these games with your child, reinforce the ideas of perseverance and not giving up. Continue to challenge them to get better in a way that is not intimidating or harmful, and be sure to not add too much pressure from the game.
2. Help Them
Many parents assume that their children do not go through their own hardships and trials. This is not true. Even though the obstacles may seem small to an adult, they feel heavy to your child. One of the best ways to teach them how to overcome obstacles is to help them whenever the obstacles come along.
Children are often very keen to tell their parents whenever they are facing a problem or obstacle. Instead of either ignoring the issue or solving it for them, help your child. This makes them feel like they can trust you all while teaching them healthy and helpful techniques for figuring out their own way out of problems.
3. Talk About Problems
The dinner table is one of the best places to create a bond with your children and teach them how to overcome obstacles. Too many parents make the mistake of not giving their child the opportunity to problem solve with them.
Instead of simply complaining about your own problems in front of your child, ask them their opinion. Of course, you shouldn’t be asking them about serious problems that could affect their life, such as your divorce, but small problems can make them feel important and help them start learning key problem solving techniques from a young age.
For example, say that you are invited to two different events that take place at the same time, and you are trying to figure out how you should best go about it. This would be a perfect opportunity to ask your child what they think you ought to do. Respond to their idea in an uplifting and inspiring way, even if it isn’t the best idea. It will make them feel important and motivate them to continue problem solving.
4. Show Don’t Tell
Monkey see, monkey do. Teach your child how to overcome obstacles by overcoming them yourself. Even if you are not aware of it, your child is watching you. Show them with your actions how to overcome obstacles.
In other words, be open and honest with your child. Don’t pretend that everything is perfect because that tells them that they are failing whenever they struggle with an obstacle. Likewise, don’t ignore your problems. Instead, face them head on.
Learning how to face obstacles is one of the most important lessons you can teach your child. Incorporate the four techniques above to help them learn how to problem solve their way out of obstacles.